在不断变化的环境中, organizations are constantly working to stay one step ahead of their competition. Focusing efforts on enhancing all facets of your company can be an efficient way to do this. At 瑞安, we know what it takes to keep our clients running at an effective pace. Our software 发展 helps us create lasting impressions that continuously increase the success of business operations.


Team 瑞安’s proposed Agile Development Methodology Process (ADMP) for the current SOW was developed by tailoring 瑞安’s CMMI® Maturity Level 3 prescribed organizational procedure for Agile projects. It also includes lesson learned from our experience implementing projects of variable scope, 大小, 和复杂性.

Our ADMP is an overarching document that provides a common understanding of how the project will function. It outlines the Agile processes that will be used to manage the project and associated products while describing the activities that will be performed during the project life cycle. 此动态文件将提供给所有项目团队成员, 通过一个集中的项目存储库.

根据Scrum、看板、XP、SAFe中的原则®, 和精益方法, we implement an Agile solution built on the following principles: built in quality, 持续改进, 创新, 一贯的合作, 和透明度. The Agile solution will be tightly coupled with the 项目管理 Office (PMO) guaranteeing project schedules, 里程碑, 资源分配, 所有关键利益相关者和决策者都要分担风险.

For all modernization effort, Ryan uses a hybrid methodology, Water-Scrum-Fall shown in 图1, that integrates Agile 发展 methodologies with traditional upstream enterprise-level planning (Water-Scrum) and downstream requirements, 发展, 测试和部署过程(Scrum-Fall). This hybrid methodology supports the upfront requirements and design process of Waterfall with the iterative 发展 approach from our Scrum methodology by providing the following phases:

计划- - - - - - during this phase we will develop a road map with feature-based releases per the strategic goals outlined by decision makers.

发展, 在这个阶段,我们将使用Scrum, 它提供了频繁的, high- quality releases in a time bound iterative manner that ensures all relevant stakeholders are informed and engaged throughout the 发展 cycle. This phase will include story 发展 using a prioritized product backlog, 特性开发和测试.

部署, this phase will include the Change Control Board (CCB) approvals for production releases from Staging, 执行发布, 用户培训和其他所需文档的创建.



Team 瑞安 recommends discovery sessions to better understand the project scope and vision. Sprint 0, our Agile Project Manager and Scrum Master will facilitate focus groups, 新员工培训, 技术高峰和用户PG电子试玩平台映射会议. 利用从过去的经验中吸取的教训, our team will lead a series of planning sessions to align organizational goals with high level road maps and define the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Team 瑞安 will conduct project planning during this phase to flush out high-level requirements, 史诗般的用户PG电子试玩平台和版本. 项目计划完成后, the initial backlog grooming session will commence with the decomposition of epics into user stories cumulating with a prioritized product backlog.

项目计划完成后, our Agile teams will commence with the decomposition of epics into detailed user stories cumulating with a prioritized product backlog. Team 瑞安’s core principles is to not “over promise and under deliver”. Our team will achieve this goal by conducting Planning Poker Sessions. These sessions allow the team to assess the level of effort (LOE) for user stories. 产品负责人/业务分析师呈现用户PG电子试玩平台, 团队简要讨论每个PG电子试玩平台, and 产品负责人 answers qu美国东部时间ions to provide clarification on specific user stories. Team members will score the user stories based on the complexity and LOE using a modified Fibonacci series. Scoring is done anonymously to remove influence from the other team members. 如果团队中的PG电子试玩平台点有很大的差异, 然后,异常值者详细说明其估计背后的基本原理. 使用这些新信息, 团队再次估算, and this process iterates until sufficient consensus has been reached.

During the Scrum phase of the Water-Scrum-Fall, each Sprint will begin with the Sprint计划. Sprint计划期间, 产品负责人, 以及Scrum Master和开发团队的意见, 会用高优先级的用户PG电子试玩平台来构建Sprint backlog吗, 这些集合形成了一个特征, 直到队伍的容量达到为止.  As part of our Scrum process, Agile teams will participate in daily stand-ups. 在每天的单口相声中, 每个团队成员将分享前一天的成就, discuss upcoming activities and report blockers for the Scrum Master to resolve. Developers will pull user stories from the Sprint backlog and once user stories are code complete, unit t美国东部时间s and peer reviews will be executed before code can be submitted into the baseline. 作为持续集成的一部分, checked in code will initiate a built and be subjected to automated regression, 集成测试和遵从性测试. This provides developers instant feedback and supports lean principles for “Fail Fast” and “Build Quality In”. 除了Sprint的开发活动之外, the Scrum team and Product Owner will conduct at least one backlog grooming session each Sprint to maintain a prioritized backlog. The prioritized backlog will have at least two Sprints worth of stories ready for 发展. The benefits of this practice will have enabled the Sprint planning meetings to operate more efficiently and workable stories if the Scrum team has additional capacity during the Sprint. 在Sprint结束时,Scrum Master将领导一个团队 冲刺评审 in which 产品负责人 will provide user acceptance or rejection for each user story in the Sprint. 瑞安队使用 Sprint回顾 不断反思如何变得更有效率, and it then fine-tunes and adjusts its actions by quickly incorporating improvements into subsequent Sprints.